1. How to purchase?

  • Kindly messages us through our Facebook Account (Personal/Like) or fill in the details in our Order Form at top of this site. We will reply you as soon as we can.

2. How to make a payment?

  • You can make payment to us thru Maybank or Bank Islam (BIMB). Please inform us once you make your payment by giving our details (Time and Amount). Please keep your receipt or tag us (scan the receipt) for proof of purchase. 

3. How can I get my balance if I pay you via Cash-Deposit ATM?

  • We will transfer you the balance back to your account.
  • Request for the balance use for your next purchase with us.
  • Post the balance together with the items ordered via Poslaju. 
p/s: Any lost of money for "Post the balance together with items via Poslaju" are not our responsibility.

4. Do you ship internationally?
  • Yes we do. You can make the payment thru Western Union or Transfer Transaction in Bank Account. We will post the parcel via Pos Malaysia International.
  • Rate of Delivery depends. We'll give you the details once you email us your order.

5. What type of posting you used?

6. How long I will get my order after I made the payment?
  • Normally, it will only take you about 1-2 days working to received your parcel. We will inform you if we could not make any delivery due to any technical problems.

7. Can I purchase the Item without involving any postage?
  • Yes, personally text us via phone for any info. 

8. Can I have Discount for the items?
  • NO.